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curly braces inside a lens

Danielle Bastien Senior Front-End Developer • Web Accessibility • Technical Lead

Curriculum Vitae / Résumé

Development and Engineering Experience
  • Approach Controls Inc. (2022–2024)

    Senior Front-End Developer, Technical Lead

    Hybrid Remote • Agile Development

    • accessibility
    • html
    • css
    • sass
    • bem
    • material design
    • javascript
    • typescript
    • angular
    • reactivex
    • ngrx
    • lodash
    • react
    • storybook
    • google fonts
    • json
    • json web tokens
    • jasmine
    • jest
    • chai
    • testing library
    • puppeteer
    • vite
    • webpack
    • node dot js
    • express
    • nest js
    • swagger
    • mqtt
    • postgresql
    • python
    • git
    • bitbucket
    • github copilot
    • jenkins
    • nx
    • npm
    • yarn
    • markdown
    • precommit
    • editorconfig
    • eslint
    • prettier
    • stylelint
    • visual studio code
    • figma
    • jira
    • confluence
    • google forms
    • google sheets
    • google slides
    • google docs
    • slack
  • Postmedia Network Inc. (2019–2022)

    Senior Front-End Web Developer, Technical Lead

    Remote • Agile Development

    • accessibility
    • html
    • css
    • sass
    • bem
    • autoprefixer
    • postcss
    • javascript
    • typescript
    • react
    • json
    • json web tokens
    • babel
    • webpack
    • jest
    • python
    • django
    • postgresql
    • mongodb
    • postman
    • xcode
    • amp
    • google fonts
    • google ads
    • google analytics
    • google tag manager
    • git
    • github
    • jenkins
    • gulp
    • npm
    • markdown
    • yaml
    • docker
    • kubernetes
    • lighthouse
    • speed test
    • precommit
    • editorconfig
    • eslint
    • prettier
    • stylelint
    • visual studio code
    • sketch
    • figma
    • mural
    • jira
    • confluence
    • youtube studio
    • google forms
    • google sheets
    • google slides
    • google docs
    • slack
  • 411 Local Search Corp. (2015–2019)

    Front-End Web Developer

    Hybrid Remote • Agile Development

    • accessibility
    • html
    • css
    • sass
    • bootstrap
    • autoprefixer
    • material design
    • javascript
    • typescript
    • angular
    • reactivex
    • ngrx
    • express
    • json
    • jasmine
    • php
    • mysql
    • mongodb
    • elastic search
    • nginx
    • postman
    • xcode
    • google maps
    • google ads
    • google analytics
    • google tag manager
    • git
    • gitlab
    • github
    • jenkins
    • grunt
    • gulp
    • npm
    • markdown
    • lighthouse
    • speed test
    • atom
    • adobe photoshop
    • adobe illustrator
    • adobe after effects
    • adobe lightroom
    • google forms
    • google sheets
    • google slides
    • google docs
    • slack
  • Site Technologies Inc. (2013–2015)

    Web Developer

    On Site • Agile Development

    • html
    • css
    • less
    • bootstrap
    • javascript
    • jquery
    • json
    • php
    • mysql
    • wordpress
    • google analytics
    • npm
    • markdown
    • git
    • gitlab
    • adobe photoshop
    • adobe illustrator
    • adobe after effects
Professional Development Courses and Workshops
  • Angular - The Complete Guide (2024 Edition) (2024)
    • angular
  • NG Conf Free Stream (2023)
    • angular
    • ngrx
    • nx
    • pwa
    • javascript
  • Front End Masters: JavaScript The Hard Parts v2 (2021)
    • javascript
  • Workshop: Dynamic CSS with Custom Properties (2021)
    • css
    • javascript
  • OpenJS Stream (2020)
    • javascript
  • NG Conf Free Stream (2019)
    • angular
    • ngrx
    • pwa
    • javascript
  • Editing Fiction and Memoir by Maggie Morris (2018)
  • Micro Frontends: The Key to Scaling Single Page Applications Webinar (2018)
    • pwa
    • javascript
  • Google mSite Hackathon (2017)
    • html
    • css
    • javascript
    • angular
    • pwa
  • Picture Editors on Editing Symposium by CFC (2011)
  • Script Supervisor Workshop by Dug Rotstein (2011)
  • Web Design, Development and Maintenance


    Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

  • Film and Television Production

    Advanced Diploma 

    Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

Other Experience
  • Humber College (2010–2013)

    Peer Tutor

  • Windsor Historical Society (2010–2012)

    Video Editor

  • Cineflix (2011–2011)

    Post Coordinator Intern

  • The House Youth Center (2007–2009)


Film and Television Credits
  • Veterans Memory Project (2012)

    Cinematographer, Picture Editor & Director

    Documentary | 77 min | HD | Director: Danielle Bastien

    Synopsis: A group of veterans who range from WWII to Afghanistan retell their personal experiences in hopes that their stories can touch Canada's next generations.

  • Travel Bhutan (2012)

    Assistant Picture Editor

    Documentary | Short | HD, SD | Director: Eva Ziemsen

  • Border Line (2012)

    Picture Editor & Script Supervisor

    Drama | 9 min | HD | Director: Maria Alejandra Morales  | Official MAD Selection

    Synopsis: Dalgo and Tristan are two USA border patrol officers on a routine inspection out in the Arizona Desert. Their day starts out like any other until they come across Raul, a desperate man in a desperate situation. This forces Dalgo to come face to face with the heritage that he’s always run away from.

  • Grief. Behind the Tableaux (2012)

    Picture Editor

    Documentary | 8 min | HD | Director: Eva Ziemsen

    Synopsis: Grief behind the scenes brings the audience in to look at what it takes to create a film and the various positions held on a film set.

  • Grief. Story of a Mime in Seven Tableaux (2012)

    Script Supervisor

    Drama | Short | 35mm | Director: Abraham Bankole, Kyle Carruthers, Jesse Herzog & Jesse Powell

  • Astronomy Girl (2012)

    Dialogue Editor

    Drama | Short | HD | Director: Robyn Watkins

  • Calvin Klein (2012)

    Visual Effects Artist

    Spec Commercial | 30 sec | HD | Director: John Harden

  • Jadon's Change (2012)

    Script Supervisor

    Drama | Short | Super 16mm | Director: Abraham Bankole

  • Teresa's Tummy (2011)

    Picture Editor & Visual Effects Assistant

    Drama | 7 min | Super 16mm | Director: Yosef Baraki

    Synopsis: A young girl with stomach cancer creates a fantasy world to which she escapes to with her best friends when her condition takes a turn for the worst.

  • Foreign Exchange (2011)

    Script Supervisor

    Family | Short | Super 16mm | Director: Matthew Ieraci

  • Honda Civic (2011)

    Script Supervisor

    Spec Commercial | 30 sec | HD | Director: Dan Whidden

  • Team Canada Hockey (2011)

    Location Sound Recordist

    Spec Commercial | 30 sec | false | Director: Lucas Dabrowski

  • Dive and Diminution: A Punk Story (2010)

    Location Sound Recordist & Visual Effects Artist

    Documentary | Short | HD | Director: Kyle McGuire  | Official NXNE selection