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curly braces inside a lens

Danielle Bastien Senior Front-End Developer • Web Accessibility • Technical Lead

About Danielle Bastien

Danielle is a subject-matter expert front-end web developer working to bring accessible and usable experiences to users in the browser on any given device with any tool or interfacing method that enables access and inclusion.

Danielle's expertise includes project estimation and organization, design analysis, interpretation and architectural planning through an accessible and scalability lens and the development and implementation of interfaces, tooling and processes to enable the software development lifecycle. Danielle enjoys exploring new ideas, prototyping and iterating solutions and writing technical documentation. Danielle's colleagues would describe them as an attentive to detail, disciplined, organized, and resourceful individual who leads with curiosity.

Currently, Danielle is seeking opportunities that will allow them to develop and promote technologies that are accessible and inclusive.

Read Danielle's Curriculum Vitae

Danielle's Skills & Tools

  • html
  • accessibility
  • css
  • sass
  • less
  • css modules
  • autoprefixer
  • postcss
  • stylus
  • bem
  • tailwind css
  • bootstrap
  • material design
  • storybook
  • javascript
  • typescript
  • pwa
  • angular
  • reactivex
  • ngrx
  • svelte
  • gatsby
  • react
  • jquery
  • handlebars dot js
  • json
  • json web tokens
  • greensock
  • lodash
  • amp
  • google ads
  • google analytics
  • mixpanel
  • hotjar
  • google tag manager
  • google fonts
  • google maps
  • speed test
  • lighthouse
  • jasmine
  • jest
  • vitest
  • testing library
  • cypress
  • puppeteer
  • mocha
  • babel
  • webpack
  • vite
  • graphql
  • python
  • php
  • django
  • contentful
  • wordpress
  • mqtt
  • node dot js
  • express
  • nest js
  • postman
  • mongodb
  • mysql
  • postgresql
  • elastic search
  • docker
  • mamp
  • apache
  • nginx
  • amazon s3
  • git
  • github
  • github pages
  • bitbucket
  • gitlab
  • jenkins
  • yaml
  • gulp
  • grunt
  • markdown
  • nano
  • npm
  • yarn
  • editorconfig
  • eslint
  • prettier
  • stylelint
  • precommit
  • filezilla
  • google chrome
  • firefox
  • safari
  • opera
  • xcode
  • adobe
  • figma
  • adobe lightroom
  • adobe lightroom classic
  • adobe photoshop
  • adobe premierepro
  • adobe after effects
  • adobe illustrator
  • adobe audition
  • canva
  • visual studio code
  • atom
  • slack
  • jira
  • confluence
  • notion
  • mural
  • youtube studio
  • giphy